Our Story
In 2005 I turned my back on aluminium deodorants, when I developed eczema in my armpit area. I used to buy the strongest aluminium deodorants on the market (which claimed to keep you odour free for 24hrs) but found that after a night of dancing they weren't up to the job. Over time my underarm arm area flared into large patches of eczema which would only heal if i completely abstained from aluminium deodorants.
After my body rebelled I spent many years searching for a natural deodorant that would keep me odour free. There seemed to be problems with every single one I tried. I tried the best ones on the market but with very limited success. I had no choice but to develop my own. I spent many months tweaking and refining the formula until eventually I hit upon the perfect one. My body is so sensitive I even react to certain natural organic essential oils, so it was a real challenge to arrive at the perfect formula.
Not long after I started to react to aluminium deodorants I was diagnosed with the condition fibromyalgia. This resulted in me dedicating every spare minute of my time to researching health and nutrition. I was to discover just how detrimental aluminium can be to our health and the role it plays in fibromyalgia and other chronic health conditions. Through my own research and by making lifestyle changes I was able to completely heal from fibromyalgia.
I would encourage everybody to look at ways to reduce aluminium exposure in their life - switching to an aluminium free deodorant is one way you can make a big difference.